1) This was not "my" attempt to quantify racism; it was a successful endeavor by many teams of researchers, as you would know if you checked the source for this information.
2) Of course, Maine has pockets of racism, as the data suggests (education disparity of 3 ,not 0; unemployment disparity of 7, not 0; and income disparity of 2, not 0), and of course the most racist places have pockets of tolerance (unemployment disparity in New Mexico of 5 and in Arizona of 17).
3) I'm not attempting to "tar" anybody inside or outside any specific area, but if the shoe fits ....
4) You object to applying "the same standards" to every state. If you object to this, how would you alter the standards for individual states? What would be less racist in one state but more racist in antoher state?
5) Finally, again, these are not "standards of [my] own making; they are standards I found after doing fairly thorough Google searches for approaches to evaluating racism and that were published by one of the world's largest collectors of such data.
Did you even read the article? What are you so defensive about, exacly?