
Good information as far as it goes. I suggest now that you take each of the methods you described in general terms and ask yourself, if I were someone trying to do this, what would the steps be. For each method, write an article with the steps, and include examples showing how a person determines what is truth and what isn't.

I'm now following you because you read and clapped for several of my articles. Even though I'm following you, I may miss it if you write any of these articles--and I would like not to miss them. Please let me know you've written one or more of them, either by tagging me in one of them or by writing me a comment in one of my articles.

And thanks for doing the right thing and being one of the right people to do the right things.



Katharine Valentino
Katharine Valentino

Written by Katharine Valentino

Still trying for the words to help us do & feel good things. Owner of Reviews for Medium Featured Books. I write life stories & about politics / social issues.

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