Hello, Cndro. I know how to create a Chrome extension but not how to get data from Medium, and the instructions in this article are beyond my skill level. I'm trying to find a way to count comments by each reader on a particular publication within a specific time period--so I can reward top readers on the pub. More specifically: I have created a brand new publication, Publication Creators Hub, (at https://medium.com/publication-creators-hub), which will post articles of interest to publication owners and editors on publication creation/management/editing, attracting writers, and engaging readers. I would like to include an article that shows pub owners how to identify and reward top readers--or at least that includes information about who could create the functionality for them--possibly for a small price (I know a couple of pub owners who are now paying out of their own pockets for prize money for writers because they are making quite a bit of money holding writing contests, so it is not inconceivable that this functionality could come with a small charge. Might you be interested? Or do you know of someone else who might be?