Hello, Mario. Thanks for reading and liking some of my articles.
I have a question, but it requires a bit of explanation:
I have a publication on Medium, Reviews for Medium Featured Books, which allows authors to enter information about their books, displays the books in various lists, and provides links to Amazon to buy and read the books and write reviews. The pub also provides the usual mechanism for submitting reviews. I'm (slowly) learning the Google coding involved.
I have done this in Medium and in Google forms and sheets but could do it in my Wordpress website using Medium's option to redirect to a website..
Would Python be usable to retrieve and manipulate the data authors enter into Google forms, which is stored in a Google sheet or to enter the data into any kind of form and store it in any kind of DB? I'd like eventually to have 1) the ability to display on a page all the books from the sheet that is fed by the form without having to manually enter each book on a Medium page, 2) a report of the number of reviews of others' books that each author has written, 2) when books are displayed to an author so they can choose one to read and review, to display only those books they have not reviewed yet and also only those books by authors who have not already reviewed their book (to avoid "review swaps," .which Amazon penalizes).
Could Python handle this easier than the coding one does in Google sheets?
This is a long message. Thanks for reading. Thanks if you can answer the question.