I absolutely agree with you about everything in your comment except that first sentence. The rich using racism as a mechanism to keep people at each others' throats is why we have so much racism--well, that and the racism inherited from the Ku Klux Klan and similar right-wing groups. And the ever-increasing wealth inequality in this country is the most pressing concern. We have made great strides against racism, as you point out. The racism you mention is the racism I experienced growing up in the South in the 1940s and 50s. So you and I know it's gotten better. But I think people wearing MAGA hats never too any steps forward, and they're 35(?) percent of the country. So there is racism to analyze, and I think the researchers who did the analysis did a good job of it.
So, we're basically on the same page. You can evaluate how much we agree by checking out Corporations That Pay Their Top Executives More Instead of Paying Their Taxes, ‘Multibillionaire’ is a Dirty Word, or How Much Does Billionaire Charity Cost You? among my recent articles. There are similar but older ones, too. I often write on wealth inequality.