I do know several. Two are actually good people. However, one thinks she should vote for Trump because he's an antivaxxer and she thinks that a good diet will keep everyone from getting measles, mumps, chicken pox, and COVID. The other thinks Trump is a good guy because six or so years ago she sat in the same room with him for five minutes while the leader of her group tried to get him interested in passing legislation to help address the suicide rate in this country, and even though he never addressed the problem she was dazzled that she got to meet the president. The other people I know who plan to vote for Trump fit into the category I just wrote about. Invited to dinner, they'd try to convince you that Biden wants to make everyone a homosexual or similar hogwash. I don't think any of these people are idiots, as you have written. I think they have been defrauded by a liar who cares about nothing except himself and his money.