I probably should have written, "If you can find a product you need somewhere else, don't buy from...." but I think most readers will understand that when you have monopolies, you may not be able to find another purveyor of whatever you need. The answer to this problem is most definitely to make corporations companies again instead of persons and to limit campaign donations to individuals and make any donation more than $5,000 or so punishable, as you say. Finally, too many dollars chasing too few goods is an accurate description of inflation. But it doesn't take into account what seems to be the philosophy of, for example, a drug company that can make as much money selling a life-saving drug to one person for $1,000 as selling that same drug to 10 people for $110 each (the extra $10 going to the cost of production). And think how much money can be made if there are more dollars available and you can sell that life-saving drug to, say, 10 people, leaving only 90 to die.