I think it's time to stop the name-calling. I'm sorry you were subjected to that.
But Tessa, to be apolitical is to not care what happens to you. As an example: Are you in the U.S. and figure on living until you are my age? Vote Democratic and social security payments will increase a bit now and then (if enough other people also vote Democratic). Vote Republican and social security may be scrapped altogether (if another other people also vote Republican). Not voting--being apolitical--is tantamount to not caring about your own well-being or anyone else's. Another example: Assuming you like clean water to drink and air without pollutants, you can contribute to that being the case by voting Democrat, or you can contribute to large corporations continuing to foul the air and water by voting Republican. To be apolitical, then, is the same as saying, "I don't care."
I think you do care. I think you're a good person.