Oh dear! No claps, no comments. Allow me to be the first. This is a helpful article even if you're already a nonfiction author (not just aspiring). I see you've got a featured book on Medium, Year One: a 52 week guide to lifelong habits, which is on Amazon. If you can bring the eBook price down to something that Medium readers will find attractive, we can get your book listed on a new Medium publication and get you some sales and some reviews. The pub is Free Amazon Reviews for Your Featured Book at https://medium.com/free-amazon-book-reviews-for-your-featured-book. These reviews are now and will remain free, and they satisfy Amazon requirements. We are just beginning to list books to be reviewed by Medium readers and began reviewing this week. Personally, I'd be interested in reading/reviewing your book, and I'm sure other authors who have books listed would also be interested.