Please provide the facts to show us Trump was best. The only things I know of that he has done are: 1) Set a horrible moral example to our children. 2) Give a temporary tax break to most Americans, to make us think we were getting something, while giving a much bigger--and permanent--tax break to the rich, who have already stolen most of the wealth in the country. 3) Build very little of the wall he promised, stealing the money from the military budget to do it. 4 Make our world more dangerous by allowing corporations once again to pollute the environment and by strutting around making vain threats against anybody who doesn't agree with him. 5) Play more golf and take more vacations than any recent president. 6) Hold presidential events at his own resorts and charge attendees and his security detail up-to-twice the amount he normally charges for rooms and service. 7) Yelled a lot at a lot of rallies, and not paid his bills for holding these rallies. 8) Stolen money donated to his campaign fund and funneled it into his personal accounts.
Everything I've mentioned can be check out and found to be factual.
If he's done anything beneficial, I'd like to hear about it.