Probationary workers were fired because the courts would not allow workers with more seniority to be fired. Trump pretended to donate his first-term salary to veteran's groups, was sued because he did, and eventually had to pay huge fines for violating the law by not doing so. The taxes collected from federal salaries of course don't come close to the salaries, and I didn't say they did. Presidents do take vacations, and both Biden and Trump took more vacation time than I was ever able to take. Trump golfed at his own properties during his vacations, which cost taxpayers a bundle, while Biden actually worked during some of his time away from the oval office (it's possible to work from home; I did it for years, for example). And as for the motorcade and protective measures, any president with a shred of honor would do things that require less expensive protection than frequently traveling to Mar-a-Lago and wasting taxpayer money golfing.