Thank you for writing this article. I had heard about these what I would call insane conspiracy theories but had not until now had them brought home to me. I could make many comments in an effort to support you and your efforts, which might make you feel somewhat less alone. Consider those comments made. I want to make one, and only one, correction. You state, “Bill Gates is going to create a fake coronavirus ‘vaccine’ for the purpose of population control is not a legitimate belief.” A legitimate belief might be taken to be a belief in something that is true. But if something is true, it is not a belief; it is a fact. A belief is an attitude about something for which there is no evidence or for which the evidence is being ignored. So, one believes in God, though we have no real evidence for a God. The fact that there is no real evidence is what makes belief in God a belief. Your mother believes Bill Gates is evil, and she comes to this conclusion by being influenced by conspiracy theories but without any real evidence for his being evil. And as you point out, there is real evidence for his attempt to be good. Her insistence that he is not flies in the face of the available evidence. That’s a belief, not a fact. A belief can be about something factual, but in this case the fact is irrelevant; it is the belief that is important to the person doing the believing. This is a longer comment than I had intended to write, or rather speak into my phone. I hope it is clear. And I do want to end by restating my admiration for your intelligence and resiliency as well as your goodness.