Thanks for adding me, Johnny.
I had two articles I was thinking of publishing in Afrosapiophile but have already published them elsewhere: Dangerous Gang Member--Not when you're three feet tall and Most — and Least — Racist U.S. States. I write on racism now and then, so the next one ....
When I began as an editor for Politically Speaking, I had, I think, about 150 followers. When that pub sunsetted, I had about 200. So editing, as it turned out, not only didn't get me anywhere, but it actually held me back. So while I appreciate your thinking of me in that capacity, I'd probably refuse if you asked.
I wish Medium cared enough about good writing to do something to encourage it--like paying editors. It would seem appropriate; I received a daily email from Medium a few days ago with grammar problems in the titles or subtitles of the first three stories sent to me.