There is an argument that if you can get people to simply not vote, even if they have a right to, or can create a condition in which their votes don't count, then you have at least a weakened democracy probably classified as a "failing democracy."
Drilling for oil and gas fouls our environment: sicker people often don't vote. Preventing poor women from accessing inexpensive healthcare makes women less healthy and less likely to vote. Tariffs make poor people even more poor: poor people often don't have the wherewithal to properly evaluate proposals or people who want to put those proposals in place, which leads the way toward gerrymandering, which makes some votes not count. Just several examples.
I does depend on a widening of your point of view from saying that people can't vote to creating conditions in which people don't vote or in which their votes don't count. But if you want to stick to your narrower definition, I respect that.