Well, hello Walter. I see that one of my favorite writers also has a Medium featured book--with 156 reviews. Good for you.
Would you like more reviews--and more sales? . So, I've created an application on Medium to encourage reviews, called "Free Amazon Verified Book Reviews for Medium Authors."
(Note these are not review swaps or paid reviews. When you enter a review, you don't even have a way to find out whether the author you are reviewing has or will review your book, and you will not be paying for reviews. What we will do on Medium complies with all of Amazon's rules.)
Today, I'm looking for beta testers to enter their featured books into what I've created, check out the list of books entered (only two right now, but that's why I'm leaving you a comment), and see how we can all get more reviews--and more sales. Interested? Please go to https://katharinevalentino.medium.com/get-free-amazon-verified-book-reviews-for-medium-authors-4fed9252f761.