Well, maybe I'm just dense, but I've said to myself: Women want no consequences to come of sex? But it is for the most part women who have to either spend 18 to 20 years raising a baby or make the agonizing decision to have an abortion. Well, maybe women would like to have neither of these consequences, come to think of it. But if they want sex, they're either going to have to have it with other women or with men, and if by "the other side" you mean the other gender, then it would be odd to engage in an activity that requires two people but not want the other person there. Then, I've said to myself: Men want no consequnces to come of sex? But men have to either help raise babies, abandon women who have babies and suffer at least some guilt, or watch the woman go through the agony of making a decision to have an abortion. Well, sorry, but I just can't figure out what you're trying to tell me.