You seem to have missed the point, which is understandable since it is so rarely addressed by Republicans. The point is that you have a choice between Trump, a thoroughly nasty person who will do everything in his power to give himself and other billionaires more money (therefore leaving you and yours with less) and put people in prison if they disagree with him about anything and Harris, a reasonably nice person who will distribute money more fairly (therefore giving you and yours more) and from whom you'll never hear the word "retribution." You've heard the phrase "follow the money," I assume. Do this, or you and everyone you love will face dire the consequences in coming years--well, unless you're one of the billionaires, of course. Everything else that you think this election is about--immigrants, LGBTQ people, etc.--that's all smokescreen to hide the fact that for billionaires, it's always all about the money.