Your comment covers so much that it's difficult to know how to respond to it all. First, I do absolutely agree with you that America needs and benefits from immigrants. That's not what this article is about. This article is about corporations essentially enslaving immigrants while leaving qualified Americans unemployed. Neither is the right thing to do. Other than that, I'll just stick to defending myself against your attack: 1) I am now 81 years old and retired, so "can't find another job" doesn't apply to me. During my career in IT, I learned new skills approximately every two years. That was the only way to do good work. 2) My replacement did the best he could but simply could not do the job, as you will see if you read the article. I was called back three times because I was the one who could do the job, as you will see if you read the article. 3) Do you know anybody who feels superior because of their citizenship? I don't feel that way, and I don't know anybody who does.